Woman Scream 2015 in Patna India



Patna. To commemorate International Women’s Day an International Poetry Festival along the theme- “Woman Scream" was organized at the Women Studies Wing of the Department of History, Patna University on March 02 last, just before the University closed for the festivities.

The festival was inaugurated by noted woman Literateur Padmashree Dr. Usha Kiran Khan and was chaired jointly by Dr. Bharti S . Kumar, former head of the Department of History and Dr. Padmalata Thakur, Coordinator of Women Studies Wing. This Women Studies wing offers the prestigious Masters Degree in Women Studies programme , the only one centre in Bihar at present.

The above event formed the part of the International Poetry Festivals along the theme –“Woman Scream” being organized in at least 40 countries this year and has been endorsed by UNESCO.

This festival was held under PROJECT SPEAK/BOLO which is an online campaign launched by indianwomenrevolutionmovement.wordpress.com which aims at giving women a voice against violence and discrimination perpetuated against them on the basis of gender through the medium of art.

This event in the Darbhanga House, where cluster of PG Departments of Patna University belonging to the Humanities and Social Sciences Faculties are situated, was marked by Poetry Recitals both in English and Hindi by the participating generation of budding young and energetic poets of the new generation. The event concluded with the prize distribution ceremony wherein Shalu Kumari, Magadh Mahila College, Puja - Patna Women’s College & Iman K Singh, Women Studies-Patna University were awarded for their poems in Hindi and English respectively.

Read a poem from Woman Scream 2015 India  HERE